NSFW? “wing chun techniques – how to destroy the boxer” Posted on February 3, 2014 10:03 by Dave Comment Last Modified: 30th April, 2014, 10:47 AMBrother Steve found this video on Wing Chun dealing with a boxer. That is not my title -or grammar- but from the video’s title. Some of the language could be considered Not Safe For Work (NSFW). https:// 📂This entry was posted in Videos
May 28, 2014 Dave Haka as done by a New Zealand rugby teamBrother Steve Todd sent this in. We watched natives do this at the Polynesian Cultural Center in Haw...
August 29, 2013 Dave George Dillman [BS] – National Geographic ChannelBrother Steve found this on George Dillman. The bible-toting, 'chi-blocking' seminar guy some of us...