Physically strong or mentally strong, just not weak Posted on February 6, 2017 11:50 by Dave Comment Last Modified: 6th February, 2017, 11:50 AMBrother Jon found this one from “Coach Rip” “Strong people are harder to kill than weak people and more useful in general.” ― Mark Rippetoe 📂This entry was posted in Pictures
June 14, 2013 Dave What does it mean to wear a black belt?I found this image online. I like to say 'A black belt is simply an expert at the basics.' I am alwa...
October 20, 2015 Dave A few of the pictures from the historic 2015 Gathering of the Ohana in OhioMahalo to Professor Lee Hines, GM Jason Groff, Uncle Frank Ordonez and everyone who helped make this...